Saturday, April 5, 2008


Witness the pain I bring
As furry falls from the sky with wrath
The deliverance of my people has come on harsh wings
Justice for the oppressed and judgement for the slaves
Those who called themselves holy
The flesh who stood before men and ordered worship
Today is the day that you are destroyed
Thinking it will all pass away with time
But time has no bearing on this punishment
It is the everlasting torture of my hate filled eyes
For your betrayal to your fellow man
So now I come with the ax and hammer
Tearing down your strongholds and your idols
The graven images of the self righteous
Put in place of the mercy seat of the almighty
Will burn with your bones over the graves of your prophets
No more deception, no more of your lies
Here I stand to take this pulpit of gold
Preaching a word that is of whole truth without the weakness you put through
Throwing away the pomp for true humility
My anger is the righteous hand of the Word
And it will be kept if by my life or death
So on this day you will stand before the great white throne
Receiving a crown on your head locked in place
Piercing into your scalp you bleed for what was issued
Pretending to speak for God when you raised yourself up as one
The author of truth was never found in you
So fire awaits at his final breath to consume you forever
Bow down one last and proclaim the revelation as it unfolds
I am the judge placed to lead the flock gone astray
Yet I am not as forgiving as the Divine who placed me in authority
Toleration is not in my vocabulary
Only the fire that lives in my bones that will wake the dead
Put your evil filled in my grave and watch as the demons flee
I carry the banner of the Great and Awesome One
So from this day forth
You will know His ways or you will one day know true pain

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