Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve 2007
So here it is, the day before the big day!
I have my Tropicana Sugar Free Lemonade and it is great,
Home from Arizona, that's a story in itself, and I'm ready to write.
Here's what I've been thinking about!
I used to have a book when I was a little kid and it was about how Santa visited Baby Jesus when he was born on the very first Christmas. I can't for the life of me think of the title of the book but it has come back in a big way this year in my mind. I can't figure how it was that Santa was able to alter the space time continuum without a flux capacitor in his sleigh but he did, and he went back to meet the Christ on the day of his birth to give glory and honor to him.
For some reason as I think of Santa I can't help but think of the spiritual connections that he has with God. He can see you when your sleeping and he knows when you're awake, just like God can. He knows who's naughty and who's nice, just like God. He has a list just like how God has the book of life. He is able to visit every house in a single night, meaning that he can be everywhere (sort of) at once or at least in a certain moment, just as God can be everywhere at once due to his power of sovereign omnipresence. Santa has helpers, God has angels, Santa fills our hearts with Joy and Amazement, just like God does, Santa and God go hand and hand during Christmas.
And as nice as all of that is I have to say that I am impressed by people actually saying Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays...but I can't stand the amount of businesses and people that are still saying and using Happy Holidays! Sorry but I needed to get that out there.
One more Christmas thought for this Christmas Eve. I don't know much about other states outside of California, but I was just in Arizona and the number of houses with Christmas lights on them is depressing. Hardly anyone puts them up and I have no idea why. It seems like they are everywhere and on everything in CA, I wonder how the rest on the country does with it?
Enjoy your time with friends and family and remember that Jesus IS the reason for the season!
I have my Tropicana Sugar Free Lemonade and it is great,
Home from Arizona, that's a story in itself, and I'm ready to write.
Here's what I've been thinking about!
I used to have a book when I was a little kid and it was about how Santa visited Baby Jesus when he was born on the very first Christmas. I can't for the life of me think of the title of the book but it has come back in a big way this year in my mind. I can't figure how it was that Santa was able to alter the space time continuum without a flux capacitor in his sleigh but he did, and he went back to meet the Christ on the day of his birth to give glory and honor to him.
For some reason as I think of Santa I can't help but think of the spiritual connections that he has with God. He can see you when your sleeping and he knows when you're awake, just like God can. He knows who's naughty and who's nice, just like God. He has a list just like how God has the book of life. He is able to visit every house in a single night, meaning that he can be everywhere (sort of) at once or at least in a certain moment, just as God can be everywhere at once due to his power of sovereign omnipresence. Santa has helpers, God has angels, Santa fills our hearts with Joy and Amazement, just like God does, Santa and God go hand and hand during Christmas.
And as nice as all of that is I have to say that I am impressed by people actually saying Merry Christmas and not Happy Holidays...but I can't stand the amount of businesses and people that are still saying and using Happy Holidays! Sorry but I needed to get that out there.
One more Christmas thought for this Christmas Eve. I don't know much about other states outside of California, but I was just in Arizona and the number of houses with Christmas lights on them is depressing. Hardly anyone puts them up and I have no idea why. It seems like they are everywhere and on everything in CA, I wonder how the rest on the country does with it?
Enjoy your time with friends and family and remember that Jesus IS the reason for the season!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Devils drive the machines of war
Cast in flames they know no end
Chaos un-quenched and we cannot escape
This world at war without a reason
Bombs away and blown to bits
Into the abyss we run head first
Killing each other out of pure greed
Terror overtaking us all
As with this battle cry that is a whisper to the wind we proclaim
This life is about me and no one at all
Spiritual overflow corrupts the air
For we struck the sky with hell fire to consume all peace
Going straight to the inferno we walk with bound hands
Putting off the chains of our love
We locked ourselves in torments misery
This battle is far from over
And it will never be done
As the war of individuals against all continues
The eternal pits will always run full
So now the smoke has cleared
And the aftermath is beyond all words
Since the beginning we lost the will to weep
Tears no longer fall, only sand from weary eyes
Generations come out of hiding to kill once more
The cycle rages on unrestrained
World War 3 is upon us
And this war lasts forever
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Funeral of God
They had fangs that dripped with blood
Crimson stains upon their lips
Smothered in the slain and fallen maidens along the way
Decay, and so much carnage
Light fades to grey and the good men look away
The wicked produce gains of only more wickedness
Retreat to the hills and run for your life
Vampirus rage overtakes the weak
As they drink from the rivers flowing with death
Corpses line the sight of the fall
And angels clip their wings to hide as mortals
What can survive the wrath of impurities overtaking?
Who stands a chance with sword in hand to defeat?
The invocation of the beast has taken place
Within the temple of the sacred
As the tomb is shut and righteousness rest forever
No forgiveness, no one on the thrown of grace
Mosters of rape and hate emarge from the shadow lands
Nightmares become the vision of youths and gereatrics
And who to point the blame to but all mankind
For putting hope in a jar and locking it in hell
Destruction is the order of the day
Now that eternity in madness is the choice of our generation
For this is the age of the earth when men killed God
Pushing Him out of the places of the heart
And into a realm where he can no longer reach us
Flesh to flesh and death to death
There is no more coming back
Now only a novelty cross is standing on the mountain
Holding onto a memory that only used to be
No one remembers the times in the age of peace
When we only murdered each other and not the divine
Trumpets sound in the distant only in the minds of infants
For no more children are born after this day
The day we laid the king of kings to rest
Yet the sackcloth must remain worn
In that we must always remember our suffering
This momement of memorium has only this eulogy left
From start to without end, majesty came crashing down
Wail for me when I am gone and weep as I pass
Into the earth I created
On this day The Funeral of God
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Dolce and Gabbana Commercial
OK so have you seen the new Dolce and Gabbana commercial for their new watches?
There is two version floating around out there, a gay version and a lesbian version...
Overlooking that as hard as it is, there is a song that plays during the ad and it is so fricken cool! Now I'm a metal/hardcore music kinda guy, but I do enjoy dance and hardhouse/techno music as well, it's great to dance to. Anyway the song is called R U Experienced by Stylophonic and it is such an interesting song. It's basically overtones and undertones that are so different that when they come together it is really nice.
I have enough blogs on here about how the gay lifestyle is ruining the world, but this is not one of them, but I must say I think these ads are more about loving yourself then promoting the homosexual lifestyle, even though gays are flocking to it like it is...shows what they know, I guess I'm just more out-there and artistic then they are...hahaha
Enjoy the music
It's Sunday Morning, I'm sick but fully medicated, time for a thought!
So as I was in the shower I was thinking, are we obligated to do anything, I mean really when you think about it, is there anything out there that we MUST do, or that we HAVE to do?
SIDE NOTE: Most of my best ideas come to me while I'm on the toilet or in the shower, most of this blog has happened due to bathroom ideas.
Back to the story. Everything in the world is really based on choice and nothing else, and when you break it down to the core we can see that even things that we think we have no control over, we really do.
Breathing, we don't think about breathing, and some would say that we are obligated to breath to live, this is true, but the reality is that we can hold our breath whenever we please. It's easy, go ahead and take a second to hold your breath...see you can do it, and we were not obligated in those few moments to breath.
What about things we are born with, like if we are a righty or a lefty, sure we cannot control this, but we are not obligated to stick with the hand that nature sought fit to have us use the most. I've heard of a man in India who could write with both hands AND feet at the same time in four different languages. Now he is not obligated just to use one hand because that was natures choice for him, he decided to learn to do an amazing talent.
People, we are not even obligated to love, even our own children! Now some would say it's hard to not love your own children, but some don't and that is all by choice. We really don't have to listen to anything we don't want and do anything we don't want thus showing that we are not obligated to do anything!!!
Even eating, drinking water, or living for that fact. We could stop doing any of these things at anytime, and all because we want to, it's that simple.
Actually it's not that simple and it takes more mind control and discipline then anything else. But it can be done, that is the amazing thing. To break free of obligations we only have to choose to.
Here is something probably the most controversial, we can choose our sexual orientation because we are not obligated to one, it's choice because in the end we are obligated to do nothing at all. If a person felt that they had gay tendencies he or she could choose to not follow through with them, even go after the opposite sex in order to avoid what in their first mental choice was obligating them to do. And the same can be said for the other way around.
See the world and everything we do is based off of choice and not obligation. Even in disaster, we could choose to not do anything or we could choose to do something to help, we are not obligated as much as anyone may say we are or aren't.
This is freedom, even in societies without freedom, people can choose to not do as they are told, they may die, but that is their choice, they are obligated to nothing.
Obligation is based and formed off of want and choice, nothing more and nothing less. Obligation in itself would not even exist if people didn't do anything. In a world where people had no drive to live whatsoever there would be no obligation at all
In my opinion, obligation sucks, but only if you want it to suck, and it rocks, but only if you want it to rock, so choose wisely.
So as I was in the shower I was thinking, are we obligated to do anything, I mean really when you think about it, is there anything out there that we MUST do, or that we HAVE to do?
SIDE NOTE: Most of my best ideas come to me while I'm on the toilet or in the shower, most of this blog has happened due to bathroom ideas.
Back to the story. Everything in the world is really based on choice and nothing else, and when you break it down to the core we can see that even things that we think we have no control over, we really do.
Breathing, we don't think about breathing, and some would say that we are obligated to breath to live, this is true, but the reality is that we can hold our breath whenever we please. It's easy, go ahead and take a second to hold your breath...see you can do it, and we were not obligated in those few moments to breath.
What about things we are born with, like if we are a righty or a lefty, sure we cannot control this, but we are not obligated to stick with the hand that nature sought fit to have us use the most. I've heard of a man in India who could write with both hands AND feet at the same time in four different languages. Now he is not obligated just to use one hand because that was natures choice for him, he decided to learn to do an amazing talent.
People, we are not even obligated to love, even our own children! Now some would say it's hard to not love your own children, but some don't and that is all by choice. We really don't have to listen to anything we don't want and do anything we don't want thus showing that we are not obligated to do anything!!!
Even eating, drinking water, or living for that fact. We could stop doing any of these things at anytime, and all because we want to, it's that simple.
Actually it's not that simple and it takes more mind control and discipline then anything else. But it can be done, that is the amazing thing. To break free of obligations we only have to choose to.
Here is something probably the most controversial, we can choose our sexual orientation because we are not obligated to one, it's choice because in the end we are obligated to do nothing at all. If a person felt that they had gay tendencies he or she could choose to not follow through with them, even go after the opposite sex in order to avoid what in their first mental choice was obligating them to do. And the same can be said for the other way around.
See the world and everything we do is based off of choice and not obligation. Even in disaster, we could choose to not do anything or we could choose to do something to help, we are not obligated as much as anyone may say we are or aren't.
This is freedom, even in societies without freedom, people can choose to not do as they are told, they may die, but that is their choice, they are obligated to nothing.
Obligation is based and formed off of want and choice, nothing more and nothing less. Obligation in itself would not even exist if people didn't do anything. In a world where people had no drive to live whatsoever there would be no obligation at all
In my opinion, obligation sucks, but only if you want it to suck, and it rocks, but only if you want it to rock, so choose wisely.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Vicarious Redemption
Final-Vicarious Redemption through Moses
In the Old Testament of the Bible, also known as the Hebrew Scriptures it is easily seen that Moses is a source of inspiration and at the same time awe, from his own people and the peoples of later biblical generations. Even today we understand Moses to be the writer of the Pentitude or first five books of the bible, also called the books of Moses, which comprise what is called the Law. The Law starting with the original Ten Commandments which were hand written by God and given to Moses in person is the backbone of all the Pentitude is, after of course Creation and the accounts of people up until the exodus out of Egypt. (Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 9:10). What is so interesting is that Moses at times throughout the scriptures seems to assume the role of mediator or one who is able to keep the Lord from destroying the evil Israelites by atoning for their sins. From the Christian perspective that I come from it is hard to understand how a man who is not God incarnate can take on the sins of many people and offer in their place a sacrifice that is good enough for God to take that at the same time requires no blood, which is contrary to the Law that Moses is given by God. As I looked harder into the scriptures I found that in a way it is possible and that not only Moses partook in these types of practices.
First we see Moses assume his mediator role in Deuteronomy 5:1-5 where Moses stands between the children of Israel and the Lord because “you were afraid of the fire and did not go up the mountain,” as Moses states is. Here we see Moses representing the people before God with no fear. Moses has a long tradition of speaking with God, first at the burning bush (Exodus 3), then in speaking what the Lord commanded of Pharaoh (Exodus 7). So to Moses speaking to God is nothing new, but the people of Israel see something powerful in him, maybe the fact that he is not afraid and they send him up the mountain in Deuteronomy 5:25-27 to have God deliver the message to Moses so that the people may know.
Next Moses is to give the command and decrees of the Lord in Deuteronomy 6 that up to this point only he knows. Moses as a mortal man now knows all the laws and commands of the Lord and he delivers them to his people.
Getting past this point we can now look at how Moses is not only special enough to speak with God and receive the messages he has for his people but how he has suffered for his people when they angered the Lord. Moses reminds them in Deuteronomy 9:7-29 of how he fasted from food and water for forty days because of their actions in the desert and then how he again had to fast for another forty days because they had crafted the golden calf and worshipped it. Not only is it only by the penitents of Moses that the people were saved from the anger of the Lord, but his prayers that he offered up as he lay prostrate for both sets of those forty days.
Moses then sets out to announce all the commands the Lord has created for the people to follow, and the list goes on and on but fascinatingly in Deuteronomy 13:1-4 Moses speaks of when another prophet type comes into the midst of the people telling them to follower other gods that they must not listen to him because it is a test from God, and in a way it seems like all of the things of God must and have to go through Moses before they get to the people. He always has the middle man role, and without him it is futile. After it is all said and done Moses announces in Deuteronomy 30:1-6 that in order to remain in the good graces of the Lord that the people must follow all the laws that Moses has put before them, and that’s it! Now it seems that Moses has taken himself out of the picture and that people only need to follow the law of God to be prosperous and live in the Promised Land.
Now everything can come together and we can make sense of why there needed to be a Moses in the first place. One he had to deliver the people of God out of Egypt and into a place where they had to be totally reliant on God and no one else. Next because of their fear of God on part of their seeing their own uncleanliness, God needed Moses to receive the Law for which his people were to live by, because without them they would still be in the desert worshipping a golden calf that would not speak, heal, or love them. God also needed Moses to mediate for him because without him they would have had no direction into their promised land and God cannot lie, (Titus 1:2) because he had already promised them entry into a land he had set apart for them.
Here is where everything gets a little tricky. Moses not only is undoubtedly the leader of his people and mediator before them and God, he can make atonements for their sins. In the previous stated verses we see how the prayer and petition of Moses makes atonements but sometimes God cannot just sit back and allow his people to act in this manner no matter how much Moses pleads for them. Exodus 32:30-35 is the account of how Moses is trying to make atonement for his people, but it is only halfway good enough for God who then sends a plague down on the people, and even the brother of Moses and chief of the priests Aaron is afflicted. At least he didn’t kill all of them, so Moses did save them in some way. The interesting factor here is that Moses leaves himself out of the sin, and why not, who wants a plague cast down on them from God, but this is not always the case. In Exodus 34:9 we see Moses say “forgive our wickedness and our sin” thus adding himself into the lot of sinful people that he is always trying to save, something unseen until now.
How is that Moses thinks that he can do this, and what gives him the power? I believe it is a twofold gift. The first part is that God must call the person into servant hood in order to become a leader, endowing them with the Holy Spirit to do the miraculous and to stand in his presence without consequences. The other is that these people now only need to ask of God and he delivers, it’s that simple.
Moses is not the fist or last to do this. Abraham in order to save Sodom pleaded with God not to destroy it not once but five times, and the Lord was good on his word but Abraham could not find 10 righteous men in the city and the city was brought down. (Genesis 18) Jonah is another example of having people ask to be saved and they were. (Jonah 3) A New Testament example is John the Baptist who in Mark 1:4-5 has no power to set people free from their sins but instead calls them to repentance, thus it is by their own asking of forgiveness by their personal repentance that they are able to understand the things of Jesus who would come later. (Luke 7:29-30)
So it is possible for Moses, or in fact any man who in Jewish terms who comes before the messiah to vicariously redeem the people of God by simply asking. All it takes is a calling of some sort and the assumption of God given leadership position to do this. In fact, since Jews still have no messiah, I could atone for the sins of their people if I called them to repentance and to following the law set up by God just as Moses did.
Jews of today and of the biblical era’s saw this also in the Isaiah scriptures of the suffering servant. Now as a Christian I see this as prophecy concerning Jesus, and if you think about it, Jesus does fit the bill, but this is not fair to Jews and I will try to keep the Christian insight I have on this topic to a minimal. From my understanding most Jews will tell you that the person described in the 4 passages in Isaiah about the suffering servant is either the nation of Israel or the coming messiah. Isaiah 42:1-9 definitely looks like a Christ like figure but I could see how it could be seen as the nation or people or Israel who as a rejected and small people can take their light into the world for the gentiles to see and be saved by, even though Judaism is not a religion that tries to win converts, it would be plausible that just by them being them that the world is saved. This can also be said about Isaiah 49:1-7, but Isaiah 50:4-11 and Isaiah 52:13-15, 53:1-12 paints a very different picture. This by far shows a messiah figure who not only redeems his people, but takes the beating they deserve for them, and it is some beating, it is one due to all the sins of the nation of Israel and some may even say the whole world.
Back to Moses, he is the mediator, the bringer of the law, the messenger of God to his people, atoner of their sins, yet he cannot atone for his own sin and he must face all the consequences. Without trying to sound too Christian this looks a little like Jesus, who was without sin yet had to take on the sins of the entire world and to even become sin itself and die so that others may live. Now Moses does not die for his people, but on account of his own sin, the similarities are there and cannot be overlooked. This all goes down in Number 20:2-12 where the people in the desert are calling for water and Moses strikes the rock three times out of anger and water is brought forth. The sin comes because God command Moses to do this out of faith and not out of anger, and to only strike the rock once not three times. Because of this Moses cannot enter the Promised Land. The man who freed the slaves of Egypt, who called down plagues, who atoned for the sins of Israel, who lead them through the desert for forty years of wining and complaining cannot enter the Promised Land because of one sin. What irony, but this is the sacrifice of the called ones of God.
Moses even after all of this continues on as the leader of the people of Israel until his death and even raises up Joshua to become the next mediator and leader of the people he sacrificed his life for. If anything, the character in Isaiah is not the suffering servant of the Old Testament but Moses is, in constant dilemma between his people and God, he is the one who always has to settle the score.
As a Christian I cannot resist looking at all of this through the perspective of one saved by grace and covered in the blood of Christ. First of all Moses is a representation of the law, which Christ came to fulfill and not abolition, making it perfect and in fact harder to follow. This makes us so much more reliant of God then even in Moses day when we needed the mediator because even the mediator couldn’t stand up to the new law. In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount he takes the laws and expands on them so much that no one, not even Moses could have lasted on their own accord. (Matthew 6) This is the reason why Christ is needed, to become the sin and abolish it forever, so that when we believe in him that we may share in the same abolishment of sins. Christ as the mediator sets the perfect world to live in for us because he in turn creates a situation which lets us go directly to the source, God, by his power. He has made us a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession. (1Peter 2:9)
The suffering servant in Isaiah in Christian perspectives is Jesus and when you sit back and think about it, it makes perfect sense because all of what was spoke of took place through Jesus and by Jesus. Jesus Christ is the one who bore are shame, and who made it so the people could be returned to the promise land or heaven, for good, even after all their sins, even Moses couldn’t do that, and no other man could either. Even if you don’t believe that, Jesus was the only one that claimed that and this makes the possibility that he fulfilled the Old Testament scriptures all the more realistic.
I believe that the law was set up so that we would fail. Only by failing do we need God, and at the same time God needs us, it’s a two way street. God wants our worship, and we want God to be not only be in completion of everything we were originally meant to be but for the forgiveness of our sins that separated us from him since Adam in the garden fell.
At the end we can see that Moses could make atonement for his people and that he had the authority to this only by asking. This goes the same for Jesus who asked the father to forgive us and it was done. (Luke 23:34) We can see that the suffering servant is a few things, metaphorically Moses dealing with his people, a messiah figure atoning for the sins of his people through punishment a.k.a. Jesus in the New Testament, and the Nation of Israel being the atonement for the sins of the world before Christ came to make it final through his sacrifice. As a Christian I see that vicarious redemption is still in play today, as we submit ourselves under the authority of Christ who takes our sin away, all we did was ask and it is made so. We stepped into the ring of Judgment only to have Christ replace us in that very same ring, so vicarious redemption didn’t die with Moses but it lives on through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In the Old Testament of the Bible, also known as the Hebrew Scriptures it is easily seen that Moses is a source of inspiration and at the same time awe, from his own people and the peoples of later biblical generations. Even today we understand Moses to be the writer of the Pentitude or first five books of the bible, also called the books of Moses, which comprise what is called the Law. The Law starting with the original Ten Commandments which were hand written by God and given to Moses in person is the backbone of all the Pentitude is, after of course Creation and the accounts of people up until the exodus out of Egypt. (Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 9:10). What is so interesting is that Moses at times throughout the scriptures seems to assume the role of mediator or one who is able to keep the Lord from destroying the evil Israelites by atoning for their sins. From the Christian perspective that I come from it is hard to understand how a man who is not God incarnate can take on the sins of many people and offer in their place a sacrifice that is good enough for God to take that at the same time requires no blood, which is contrary to the Law that Moses is given by God. As I looked harder into the scriptures I found that in a way it is possible and that not only Moses partook in these types of practices.
First we see Moses assume his mediator role in Deuteronomy 5:1-5 where Moses stands between the children of Israel and the Lord because “you were afraid of the fire and did not go up the mountain,” as Moses states is. Here we see Moses representing the people before God with no fear. Moses has a long tradition of speaking with God, first at the burning bush (Exodus 3), then in speaking what the Lord commanded of Pharaoh (Exodus 7). So to Moses speaking to God is nothing new, but the people of Israel see something powerful in him, maybe the fact that he is not afraid and they send him up the mountain in Deuteronomy 5:25-27 to have God deliver the message to Moses so that the people may know.
Next Moses is to give the command and decrees of the Lord in Deuteronomy 6 that up to this point only he knows. Moses as a mortal man now knows all the laws and commands of the Lord and he delivers them to his people.
Getting past this point we can now look at how Moses is not only special enough to speak with God and receive the messages he has for his people but how he has suffered for his people when they angered the Lord. Moses reminds them in Deuteronomy 9:7-29 of how he fasted from food and water for forty days because of their actions in the desert and then how he again had to fast for another forty days because they had crafted the golden calf and worshipped it. Not only is it only by the penitents of Moses that the people were saved from the anger of the Lord, but his prayers that he offered up as he lay prostrate for both sets of those forty days.
Moses then sets out to announce all the commands the Lord has created for the people to follow, and the list goes on and on but fascinatingly in Deuteronomy 13:1-4 Moses speaks of when another prophet type comes into the midst of the people telling them to follower other gods that they must not listen to him because it is a test from God, and in a way it seems like all of the things of God must and have to go through Moses before they get to the people. He always has the middle man role, and without him it is futile. After it is all said and done Moses announces in Deuteronomy 30:1-6 that in order to remain in the good graces of the Lord that the people must follow all the laws that Moses has put before them, and that’s it! Now it seems that Moses has taken himself out of the picture and that people only need to follow the law of God to be prosperous and live in the Promised Land.
Now everything can come together and we can make sense of why there needed to be a Moses in the first place. One he had to deliver the people of God out of Egypt and into a place where they had to be totally reliant on God and no one else. Next because of their fear of God on part of their seeing their own uncleanliness, God needed Moses to receive the Law for which his people were to live by, because without them they would still be in the desert worshipping a golden calf that would not speak, heal, or love them. God also needed Moses to mediate for him because without him they would have had no direction into their promised land and God cannot lie, (Titus 1:2) because he had already promised them entry into a land he had set apart for them.
Here is where everything gets a little tricky. Moses not only is undoubtedly the leader of his people and mediator before them and God, he can make atonements for their sins. In the previous stated verses we see how the prayer and petition of Moses makes atonements but sometimes God cannot just sit back and allow his people to act in this manner no matter how much Moses pleads for them. Exodus 32:30-35 is the account of how Moses is trying to make atonement for his people, but it is only halfway good enough for God who then sends a plague down on the people, and even the brother of Moses and chief of the priests Aaron is afflicted. At least he didn’t kill all of them, so Moses did save them in some way. The interesting factor here is that Moses leaves himself out of the sin, and why not, who wants a plague cast down on them from God, but this is not always the case. In Exodus 34:9 we see Moses say “forgive our wickedness and our sin” thus adding himself into the lot of sinful people that he is always trying to save, something unseen until now.
How is that Moses thinks that he can do this, and what gives him the power? I believe it is a twofold gift. The first part is that God must call the person into servant hood in order to become a leader, endowing them with the Holy Spirit to do the miraculous and to stand in his presence without consequences. The other is that these people now only need to ask of God and he delivers, it’s that simple.
Moses is not the fist or last to do this. Abraham in order to save Sodom pleaded with God not to destroy it not once but five times, and the Lord was good on his word but Abraham could not find 10 righteous men in the city and the city was brought down. (Genesis 18) Jonah is another example of having people ask to be saved and they were. (Jonah 3) A New Testament example is John the Baptist who in Mark 1:4-5 has no power to set people free from their sins but instead calls them to repentance, thus it is by their own asking of forgiveness by their personal repentance that they are able to understand the things of Jesus who would come later. (Luke 7:29-30)
So it is possible for Moses, or in fact any man who in Jewish terms who comes before the messiah to vicariously redeem the people of God by simply asking. All it takes is a calling of some sort and the assumption of God given leadership position to do this. In fact, since Jews still have no messiah, I could atone for the sins of their people if I called them to repentance and to following the law set up by God just as Moses did.
Jews of today and of the biblical era’s saw this also in the Isaiah scriptures of the suffering servant. Now as a Christian I see this as prophecy concerning Jesus, and if you think about it, Jesus does fit the bill, but this is not fair to Jews and I will try to keep the Christian insight I have on this topic to a minimal. From my understanding most Jews will tell you that the person described in the 4 passages in Isaiah about the suffering servant is either the nation of Israel or the coming messiah. Isaiah 42:1-9 definitely looks like a Christ like figure but I could see how it could be seen as the nation or people or Israel who as a rejected and small people can take their light into the world for the gentiles to see and be saved by, even though Judaism is not a religion that tries to win converts, it would be plausible that just by them being them that the world is saved. This can also be said about Isaiah 49:1-7, but Isaiah 50:4-11 and Isaiah 52:13-15, 53:1-12 paints a very different picture. This by far shows a messiah figure who not only redeems his people, but takes the beating they deserve for them, and it is some beating, it is one due to all the sins of the nation of Israel and some may even say the whole world.
Back to Moses, he is the mediator, the bringer of the law, the messenger of God to his people, atoner of their sins, yet he cannot atone for his own sin and he must face all the consequences. Without trying to sound too Christian this looks a little like Jesus, who was without sin yet had to take on the sins of the entire world and to even become sin itself and die so that others may live. Now Moses does not die for his people, but on account of his own sin, the similarities are there and cannot be overlooked. This all goes down in Number 20:2-12 where the people in the desert are calling for water and Moses strikes the rock three times out of anger and water is brought forth. The sin comes because God command Moses to do this out of faith and not out of anger, and to only strike the rock once not three times. Because of this Moses cannot enter the Promised Land. The man who freed the slaves of Egypt, who called down plagues, who atoned for the sins of Israel, who lead them through the desert for forty years of wining and complaining cannot enter the Promised Land because of one sin. What irony, but this is the sacrifice of the called ones of God.
Moses even after all of this continues on as the leader of the people of Israel until his death and even raises up Joshua to become the next mediator and leader of the people he sacrificed his life for. If anything, the character in Isaiah is not the suffering servant of the Old Testament but Moses is, in constant dilemma between his people and God, he is the one who always has to settle the score.
As a Christian I cannot resist looking at all of this through the perspective of one saved by grace and covered in the blood of Christ. First of all Moses is a representation of the law, which Christ came to fulfill and not abolition, making it perfect and in fact harder to follow. This makes us so much more reliant of God then even in Moses day when we needed the mediator because even the mediator couldn’t stand up to the new law. In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount he takes the laws and expands on them so much that no one, not even Moses could have lasted on their own accord. (Matthew 6) This is the reason why Christ is needed, to become the sin and abolish it forever, so that when we believe in him that we may share in the same abolishment of sins. Christ as the mediator sets the perfect world to live in for us because he in turn creates a situation which lets us go directly to the source, God, by his power. He has made us a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession. (1Peter 2:9)
The suffering servant in Isaiah in Christian perspectives is Jesus and when you sit back and think about it, it makes perfect sense because all of what was spoke of took place through Jesus and by Jesus. Jesus Christ is the one who bore are shame, and who made it so the people could be returned to the promise land or heaven, for good, even after all their sins, even Moses couldn’t do that, and no other man could either. Even if you don’t believe that, Jesus was the only one that claimed that and this makes the possibility that he fulfilled the Old Testament scriptures all the more realistic.
I believe that the law was set up so that we would fail. Only by failing do we need God, and at the same time God needs us, it’s a two way street. God wants our worship, and we want God to be not only be in completion of everything we were originally meant to be but for the forgiveness of our sins that separated us from him since Adam in the garden fell.
At the end we can see that Moses could make atonement for his people and that he had the authority to this only by asking. This goes the same for Jesus who asked the father to forgive us and it was done. (Luke 23:34) We can see that the suffering servant is a few things, metaphorically Moses dealing with his people, a messiah figure atoning for the sins of his people through punishment a.k.a. Jesus in the New Testament, and the Nation of Israel being the atonement for the sins of the world before Christ came to make it final through his sacrifice. As a Christian I see that vicarious redemption is still in play today, as we submit ourselves under the authority of Christ who takes our sin away, all we did was ask and it is made so. We stepped into the ring of Judgment only to have Christ replace us in that very same ring, so vicarious redemption didn’t die with Moses but it lives on through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Fung Shui Revamped
I just found out that my last posting was my 31st blog and that it was the site that was messed up, so everything was Fung Shui After all!
Fung Shui
I saw that I had 29 posts and it just didn't feel very Fung Shui to me So I'm posting this random blog just for the heck of it and so I can have a nice even number!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The I Generation
and it makes me sick.
We are living in the I generation, and there's no going back people, it is the end of the world as we know it.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you has gone out the window, and been replaced with HOW MANY IM (instant message) WINDOWS I CAN HAVE OPEN AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
I-pod, I-Phone, MYspace, I-Tunes, I'm sick of all of this.
Everything has become about how fast and how up to date we can get things for ourselves. We can even get a car by just signing our name and paying NO money. What in the world does that tell you about getting the quick fix!
This is generation I and it is taking over the world. No longer do we care about helping our fellow man, but rather how we can help ourselves to what we WANT and not just to what we NEED!
I blame major corporations, but I am no hippie Democrat and I believe that they are a central part of our society, but it's the advertising, the promotion, and their craving for more and more profit off the backs of their customers.
There is a saying: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
But I feel it needs to be changed to "Once you make money, you only want more"
Interestingly people survived before currency just fine, why can't we?
Today people freak if they don't have their cell phones, but if they didn't have money...FORGET ABOUT IT! They won't be able to make it to McDonald's...Holy Crap that would be a disaster.
The I generation needs to be changed to the US generation where we each help one another by providing fair opportunities and losing the self serving attitudes for serving others honestly attitudes.
Hope this will change some minds out there.
and it makes me sick.
We are living in the I generation, and there's no going back people, it is the end of the world as we know it.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you has gone out the window, and been replaced with HOW MANY IM (instant message) WINDOWS I CAN HAVE OPEN AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
I-pod, I-Phone, MYspace, I-Tunes, I'm sick of all of this.
Everything has become about how fast and how up to date we can get things for ourselves. We can even get a car by just signing our name and paying NO money. What in the world does that tell you about getting the quick fix!
This is generation I and it is taking over the world. No longer do we care about helping our fellow man, but rather how we can help ourselves to what we WANT and not just to what we NEED!
I blame major corporations, but I am no hippie Democrat and I believe that they are a central part of our society, but it's the advertising, the promotion, and their craving for more and more profit off the backs of their customers.
There is a saying: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely"
But I feel it needs to be changed to "Once you make money, you only want more"
Interestingly people survived before currency just fine, why can't we?
Today people freak if they don't have their cell phones, but if they didn't have money...FORGET ABOUT IT! They won't be able to make it to McDonald's...Holy Crap that would be a disaster.
The I generation needs to be changed to the US generation where we each help one another by providing fair opportunities and losing the self serving attitudes for serving others honestly attitudes.
Hope this will change some minds out there.
It's December 1st, I've washed my hands with hot water AND soap, time for a posting!
This morning as I was watching the History Channel I began to think,
Where have all the hero's gone?
We have no hero's in America or even the world anymore
Sure we have people that do amazing things,
Public servants, parents, movie and comic book superheros even
In the past we had professional athletes who won the hearts of children and adults
Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, but that is all gone today
With Steroids, and records in the books with asterisks next to them,
The reality is that sports stars are more noteworthy today for the scandals they are involved in.
Dog fighting, rape, womanizing, drugs, guns
Kids can't look up to these people!
The whole idea of being in the spotlight as a role model has evaporated with multimillion dollar contracts and endorsements from major shoe companies.
We used to have parades for soldiers who came home from war,
But that all started to change with the ultra liberal hippies who spat on our defenders of freedom when they came home from Vietnam.
Scared and looking for welcoming arms away from their enemies, they were ridiculed, mocked, called baby killers, insulted, and all this for their attempt to keep Communism from spreading across the globe. Little did they know that it had already overtaken America, the home of the SEXUALLY FREE, and the NOT SO BRAVE.
General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War suggested that to end it America would need to drop an atomic bomb on China. President Truman thought this outrageous and had him fired, but not before he came home to a hero's parade, before he was never heard from again.
People still saw his accomplishments before his faults and they celebrated him for it.
Today we see no generals coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan getting celebration like this, we only see President Bush getting spit on like the veterans of old.
People are so quick to get the true story that mystery has faded from our culture. There are no more fairy tales, no more myths, no more giants of grandeur and magnificence. We only see cowardly actions and Britney Spears flashing her vagina and shaving her head. What has the country come to? It's no wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us and sarcastically answers, "and this is a Christian country?"
With the media, Internet, and the new I first generation, we lost all our hero's.
Police are called racist and brutalizer's
Parents are sued by their children
Presidents are mocked and it's called free speech
And everyone sits down on the coach at night to watch Will and Grace...
America is at its most stupid point in history, and it's only going downhill.
So lets bring the hero's back people
How about we have something to believe in and celebrate
Lets make giants out of men again and take pride in our nation for bringing them up.
Lets get rid of Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and all the other media sluts turning our little girls into anorexic porn queens.
With that lets get rid of P Diddy, J-Z, 50 Cent, and the rest of those Thugs who turn our young men into killers and drug abusers.
How about we take out Barry Bonds, Michael Vick, and the other athletes who shame the games they play with their poor work ethic and illegal activities,
Wake up America, start living with your hearts and not your lust and altered minds!
Lets start the next generation off right, with adults who aren't overcome by ADULT ENTERTAINMENT!
This morning as I was watching the History Channel I began to think,
Where have all the hero's gone?
We have no hero's in America or even the world anymore
Sure we have people that do amazing things,
Public servants, parents, movie and comic book superheros even
In the past we had professional athletes who won the hearts of children and adults
Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, but that is all gone today
With Steroids, and records in the books with asterisks next to them,
The reality is that sports stars are more noteworthy today for the scandals they are involved in.
Dog fighting, rape, womanizing, drugs, guns
Kids can't look up to these people!
The whole idea of being in the spotlight as a role model has evaporated with multimillion dollar contracts and endorsements from major shoe companies.
We used to have parades for soldiers who came home from war,
But that all started to change with the ultra liberal hippies who spat on our defenders of freedom when they came home from Vietnam.
Scared and looking for welcoming arms away from their enemies, they were ridiculed, mocked, called baby killers, insulted, and all this for their attempt to keep Communism from spreading across the globe. Little did they know that it had already overtaken America, the home of the SEXUALLY FREE, and the NOT SO BRAVE.
General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War suggested that to end it America would need to drop an atomic bomb on China. President Truman thought this outrageous and had him fired, but not before he came home to a hero's parade, before he was never heard from again.
People still saw his accomplishments before his faults and they celebrated him for it.
Today we see no generals coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan getting celebration like this, we only see President Bush getting spit on like the veterans of old.
People are so quick to get the true story that mystery has faded from our culture. There are no more fairy tales, no more myths, no more giants of grandeur and magnificence. We only see cowardly actions and Britney Spears flashing her vagina and shaving her head. What has the country come to? It's no wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us and sarcastically answers, "and this is a Christian country?"
With the media, Internet, and the new I first generation, we lost all our hero's.
Police are called racist and brutalizer's
Parents are sued by their children
Presidents are mocked and it's called free speech
And everyone sits down on the coach at night to watch Will and Grace...
America is at its most stupid point in history, and it's only going downhill.
So lets bring the hero's back people
How about we have something to believe in and celebrate
Lets make giants out of men again and take pride in our nation for bringing them up.
Lets get rid of Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and all the other media sluts turning our little girls into anorexic porn queens.
With that lets get rid of P Diddy, J-Z, 50 Cent, and the rest of those Thugs who turn our young men into killers and drug abusers.
How about we take out Barry Bonds, Michael Vick, and the other athletes who shame the games they play with their poor work ethic and illegal activities,
Wake up America, start living with your hearts and not your lust and altered minds!
Lets start the next generation off right, with adults who aren't overcome by ADULT ENTERTAINMENT!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
As I Lay Dying-Through Struggle
Only through struggle have I found rest
With a piece of me taken away
I begin to understand
Hollow out this machine like chest
With its gears that turn to make me feel
And assembled thoughts that fade away
Only through struggle have I found rest
Only through struggle have I found rest
Remove from me (from me)
(This de...) This deception (...ception)
(That I) That I called love (called love)
(That I) That I called love (called love)
With its gears that turn to make me feel
And assembled thoughts that fade away
Remove from me (remove from me)
This deception (that I that I)
That I called love (that I called love)
That I called love
Only through struggle have I found rest
With a piece of me taken away
I begin to understand
I begin to understandI begin to understand
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Mist
I've decided to do a movie review. Check it out!
The other night I went to the theater to see the movie The Mist which is based off of the Steven King book by the same name. Let me first off say that Steven King is not my favorite author and his movie's usually blow, for the most part. This movie scared the piss out of me and I recommend this flick to any sci-fi or horror fan.
It is basically Lord of the Flies meets Stargate meets Alien. To me it was good not only because it reminded me of those other movies but it seemed like something that is unbelievable yet possible at the same time.
The last about 3 minutes of the movie make it the best ending of any movie I've ever seen or probably will ever see. The ending of a movie usually makes it or breaks it for me but this one did not disappoint.
4 out of 5 Stars, go check it out, it's worth your time.
The other night I went to the theater to see the movie The Mist which is based off of the Steven King book by the same name. Let me first off say that Steven King is not my favorite author and his movie's usually blow, for the most part. This movie scared the piss out of me and I recommend this flick to any sci-fi or horror fan.
It is basically Lord of the Flies meets Stargate meets Alien. To me it was good not only because it reminded me of those other movies but it seemed like something that is unbelievable yet possible at the same time.
The last about 3 minutes of the movie make it the best ending of any movie I've ever seen or probably will ever see. The ending of a movie usually makes it or breaks it for me but this one did not disappoint.
4 out of 5 Stars, go check it out, it's worth your time.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Forget About Mike
"Forgot About Dre"(feat. Eminem) I changed the lyrics to Forget About Mike
Ya'll know me still the same ol' G
But I been low key
Hated on by most these niggas
Wit no squeels, no growls and no screams,
no wheels and no keys
No boats, no snowmobiles and no ski's
Mad at me cause I can finally afford to provide my family wit groceries
Got a crib wit a studio and it's all full of tracks
To add to the wall full of plaques
Hangin up in the office in back of my house like trophies
But ya'll think I'm gonna let my dough freeze
Ho Please
You better bow down on both knees
Who you think taught you to Stomp and Swing
Who you think brought you the o' G's
Breakdowns, circle pits and Immutabilitie's the Last Right single S
And a group that said Come Back to God
Gave you a tape full of dope beats
To bump when stroll through in your hood
And when your album sales wasn't doin too good
Who's the Kid that they told you to go see
Ya'll better listen up closely
All you niggas that said that I turned pop
Or the Firm flop ya'll are the reason
Dre ain't been getting no sleep
So fuck ya'll all of ya'll
If ya'll don't like me blow me
Ya'll are gonna keep fuckin around wit me
And turn me back to the old me
[chorus x2 - Eminem]
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothin comes out when they move they lips
Just a buncha gibberish
And muthafuckas act like they forgot about Mike
So what do you say to somebody you hate
Or anybody tryna bring trouble your way
Wanna resolve things in a bloodier way
Just study your tape of Mikes Hits
One day I was walkin by
Wit a walkmen on
When I caught a guy givin me an awkward eye
And strangled him off in the parkin lot wit his Karl Kani
I don't give a fuck if it's dark or not
I'm harder than me tryna park a Dodge
But I'm drunk as fuck
Right next to a humungous truck in a two car garage
Hoppin out wit two broken legs tryna walk it off
Fuck you too bitch call the cops
I'ma kill you and them loud ass muthafuckin barkin dogs
And when the cops came through
Me and Mike stood next to a burnt down house
Wit a can full of gas and a hand full of matches
And still weren't found out
From here on out it's the Mike Version 2
Startin today and tomorrows the new
And I'm still loco enough
To choke you to death wit a Charleston chew
[Record scratch]
Slim shady hotter then a set of twin babies
In a Mercedes Benz wit the windows up
And the temp goes up to the mid 80's
Callin men ladies
Sorry Mike but I been crazy
There is no way that you can save me
It's ok go with him Mary
[chorus x2]
If it was up to me
You muthafuckas would stop comin up to me
Wit your hands out lookin up to me
Like you want somethin free
When my last cd was out you wasn't bumpin me
But now that I got this little band
Everybody wanna come to me like it was some disease
But you won't get a crumb from me
Cause I'm from the streets of Lakewood
I told em all All them little hxc's
Who you think helped mold 'em all
Now you wanna run around and talk about guns
Like I ain't got none
What you think I sold 'em all
Cause I stay well off
Now all I get is hate mail all day sayin Mike fell off
What cause I been in the lab wit a pen and a pad
Tryna get this damn music off I ain't havin that
This is the millenium of Metal-math
It ain't gonna be nothin after that
So give me one more platinum plaque and fuck hardcore
You can have it back
So where's all the mad screamers at
It's like a jungle in this habitat
But all you savage cats
Knew that I was strapped wit gats
When you were cuddled wit cabbage patch
[Chorus x3]
Ya'll know me still the same ol' G
But I been low key
Hated on by most these niggas
Wit no squeels, no growls and no screams,
no wheels and no keys
No boats, no snowmobiles and no ski's
Mad at me cause I can finally afford to provide my family wit groceries
Got a crib wit a studio and it's all full of tracks
To add to the wall full of plaques
Hangin up in the office in back of my house like trophies
But ya'll think I'm gonna let my dough freeze
Ho Please
You better bow down on both knees
Who you think taught you to Stomp and Swing
Who you think brought you the o' G's
Breakdowns, circle pits and Immutabilitie's the Last Right single S
And a group that said Come Back to God
Gave you a tape full of dope beats
To bump when stroll through in your hood
And when your album sales wasn't doin too good
Who's the Kid that they told you to go see
Ya'll better listen up closely
All you niggas that said that I turned pop
Or the Firm flop ya'll are the reason
Dre ain't been getting no sleep
So fuck ya'll all of ya'll
If ya'll don't like me blow me
Ya'll are gonna keep fuckin around wit me
And turn me back to the old me
[chorus x2 - Eminem]
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothin comes out when they move they lips
Just a buncha gibberish
And muthafuckas act like they forgot about Mike
So what do you say to somebody you hate
Or anybody tryna bring trouble your way
Wanna resolve things in a bloodier way
Just study your tape of Mikes Hits
One day I was walkin by
Wit a walkmen on
When I caught a guy givin me an awkward eye
And strangled him off in the parkin lot wit his Karl Kani
I don't give a fuck if it's dark or not
I'm harder than me tryna park a Dodge
But I'm drunk as fuck
Right next to a humungous truck in a two car garage
Hoppin out wit two broken legs tryna walk it off
Fuck you too bitch call the cops
I'ma kill you and them loud ass muthafuckin barkin dogs
And when the cops came through
Me and Mike stood next to a burnt down house
Wit a can full of gas and a hand full of matches
And still weren't found out
From here on out it's the Mike Version 2
Startin today and tomorrows the new
And I'm still loco enough
To choke you to death wit a Charleston chew
[Record scratch]
Slim shady hotter then a set of twin babies
In a Mercedes Benz wit the windows up
And the temp goes up to the mid 80's
Callin men ladies
Sorry Mike but I been crazy
There is no way that you can save me
It's ok go with him Mary
[chorus x2]
If it was up to me
You muthafuckas would stop comin up to me
Wit your hands out lookin up to me
Like you want somethin free
When my last cd was out you wasn't bumpin me
But now that I got this little band
Everybody wanna come to me like it was some disease
But you won't get a crumb from me
Cause I'm from the streets of Lakewood
I told em all All them little hxc's
Who you think helped mold 'em all
Now you wanna run around and talk about guns
Like I ain't got none
What you think I sold 'em all
Cause I stay well off
Now all I get is hate mail all day sayin Mike fell off
What cause I been in the lab wit a pen and a pad
Tryna get this damn music off I ain't havin that
This is the millenium of Metal-math
It ain't gonna be nothin after that
So give me one more platinum plaque and fuck hardcore
You can have it back
So where's all the mad screamers at
It's like a jungle in this habitat
But all you savage cats
Knew that I was strapped wit gats
When you were cuddled wit cabbage patch
[Chorus x3]
What I Want For Christmas
I want this AA12 Fully Automatic Shotgun
This should keep the Terrorist Away!
Check it out!!!
This should keep the Terrorist Away!
Check it out!!!
Which Candidate Are You?
Check out this link and take the test.
I Scored as Duncan Hunter.
Check out this link and take the test.
I Scored as Duncan Hunter.
It's Saturday, Time for a Rant
So yesterday was the great "Black Friday" But I didn't go shopping.
Christmas is so commercialized and every year it gets worse.
I found out the other day that FDR was lobbied by retailers to start the "Holiday" Season early so that they could make some cash. So I guess you could say that even before the 1940's that Christmas started to become less about Christ and more about money.
It's funny how Jesus himself overturned the money changing tables in the Temple and yet the same sorts of people are taking the day of remembrance of His Birth and turning it into profit.
Historically Christmas was started by the church in order to stop the pagans from celebrating the winter solstice with drinking and wild partying. They took the birthday of the savior and put it on the calender at the same time as the ancient version of what would be today's Marti Gras and called it Christ's Mass or Christmas as we know it today. It's funny how people are trying to control the holy days, when in fact we should be remembering them everyday.
From what I understand, historians believe that Jesus was actually born in what would be today's April or May, so it is more realistic that we should be celebrating Christmas and Easter closer together. I think that if we remembered the events celebrated on both those days everyday that the world would be a better place.
So now it's time to go spend some money all you unknowing capitalist's (I know you Liberals hate it).
Merry Christmas (You won't get me to say happy holidays)
Christmas is so commercialized and every year it gets worse.
I found out the other day that FDR was lobbied by retailers to start the "Holiday" Season early so that they could make some cash. So I guess you could say that even before the 1940's that Christmas started to become less about Christ and more about money.
It's funny how Jesus himself overturned the money changing tables in the Temple and yet the same sorts of people are taking the day of remembrance of His Birth and turning it into profit.
Historically Christmas was started by the church in order to stop the pagans from celebrating the winter solstice with drinking and wild partying. They took the birthday of the savior and put it on the calender at the same time as the ancient version of what would be today's Marti Gras and called it Christ's Mass or Christmas as we know it today. It's funny how people are trying to control the holy days, when in fact we should be remembering them everyday.
From what I understand, historians believe that Jesus was actually born in what would be today's April or May, so it is more realistic that we should be celebrating Christmas and Easter closer together. I think that if we remembered the events celebrated on both those days everyday that the world would be a better place.
So now it's time to go spend some money all you unknowing capitalist's (I know you Liberals hate it).
Merry Christmas (You won't get me to say happy holidays)
Thursday, November 22, 2007
America's day of Thanks is here, and as a nation we give thanks and eat way too much food. A lady I work with told me that on average Americans today will eat 5,000 calories. I told her I might triple that.
From what I know about the origins of thanksgiving, it's not the usual story of Squanto and his family of Indians helping the pilgrims and having a big feast. In actuality the originals "Days" of Thanksgiving were given when Indians were killed and the colony was saved. Never the less the day did turn into a holy day for Americans (and was in the past because killing Indians was deemed holy) and was set to remember God for his blessings of a grand harvest.
Abraham Lincoln after the Civil War instated the first national day of thanksgiving to bring about healing after the nations bloodiest war. Thanks to good old honest Abe we still have this American institution.
So without thinking too much on the history of Thanksgiving I am still thankful. I am thankful for My Loving God and his Salvation through Christ, my girlfriend and future spouse, my family, my friends, my country and it's leader, the soldiers who carry our flag into battle to preserve freedom and hope throughout the world, and last but not least I am thankful for music because without it I would probably be lost.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Blessings and Turkey to all
From what I know about the origins of thanksgiving, it's not the usual story of Squanto and his family of Indians helping the pilgrims and having a big feast. In actuality the originals "Days" of Thanksgiving were given when Indians were killed and the colony was saved. Never the less the day did turn into a holy day for Americans (and was in the past because killing Indians was deemed holy) and was set to remember God for his blessings of a grand harvest.
Abraham Lincoln after the Civil War instated the first national day of thanksgiving to bring about healing after the nations bloodiest war. Thanks to good old honest Abe we still have this American institution.
So without thinking too much on the history of Thanksgiving I am still thankful. I am thankful for My Loving God and his Salvation through Christ, my girlfriend and future spouse, my family, my friends, my country and it's leader, the soldiers who carry our flag into battle to preserve freedom and hope throughout the world, and last but not least I am thankful for music because without it I would probably be lost.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Blessings and Turkey to all
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
For some time now I have been wondering why it is that most, not all, homosexuals act the same way. This goes for men and women, and it is very interesting that many of the stereotypes we associate in society with the gay lifestyle hold true in many cases. In this blog I will try my best to address the reasons to why Gay's act in a certain stereotypical way along with the stereotypes that go with it as well as the topic of bi-curiousness that is associated primarily with women in today's generation.
First let me start with my opinion of Gay's and specifically why I feel that there is such a thing as homosexuality in the world at all. I will also address my thoughts and gay marriage in America as well as in the rest in the world.
WARNING: My opinions are based on my Christian background as well as my conservative (some would say neo-conservatism or even fundamental or extreme radical conservatism/republicanism) view points. If you don't like them, too bad, stop reading now!
When we look through history we see that many society's practiced homosexuality. Each of these ancient society's has been destroyed, I believe by God, and the evidence for this is that these once mighty superpowers are all but rubble and ruin now. Some of these cultures used homosexuality as either part of religious practices and without getting too preachy I believe that is was also used as an outright act of abomination towards that natural, thus being an outright abomination of God who created order and nature. In some cases we see that acts that consisted of men having sexual relations with other men were due to the fact that women were treated and viewed as subhuman or even evil in some cases. It had more to do with power in those days, where it came down to the man with the most power or nobility being that partner who initiated the penetration of the other man while the lower of the two would thus take the penetration. Some women in these cultures took part in religious practices that involved lesbianism as an act of their worship, in what I feel was an act of gaining some of their own power, primarily for the first time, and to having a feeling of love or kinship with another human, distorted as it may have been.
Today homosexuality has less to do with religion, in fact most religions see it as unnatural and against any kind of system of law they hold as divine truth. Penalty for being caught in acts of homosexuality was and is still in some areas death for the guilty.
This generation stereotypes all gay men as being extremely feminine, talking with a lisps, being very fashionable, concerned with things that are not necessarily male inclined, and being weak and more feeble then straight men. Stereotypes go the same with lesbians. They are seen to be butch or manly, having above average strength then "normal" women, acting in tomboyish manners, and being uglier then straight women. Theses stereotypes from my experience can be seen as true but not for all, and I feel sadness for those trapped in the disease of homosexuality because of not only what the condition of their souls are but also for the abuse and mockery they take everyday. Though it is something become very accepted in the world, which I do not feel is right, it is still not the norm and ridicule follows.
The reasons behind why the attributes above seem to be true are in my opinion because they are hiding something, and that something is deep deep pain. All of those actions are created to make it seem like they are the typical bubble gay person that women ask for advice for concerning makeup and cloths, but the harsh reality is that they are very sick people who need help in finding the truth about themselves.
Homosexuality is like a new fad in today's society that just has to be tried. (Among women this is seen more, or at least this is what is pumped in through the media) Women making out with other women or experimenting with other women in sexual ways is almost like a sexual right of passage for many of today's young girls. This is even true for older women, many of which are straight, because there is an unseen message floating through the sexually fueled entertainment industry that says "you aren't really a women, or you aren't really a sexual superhero until you've been with another women." This is a sad reality that many women are turning to, especially those with pasts that aren't always the best, or in some cases traumatic, and for those with extremely low self-esteems. The world tells these girls that if they aren't supermodel perfect (airbrushed and all) that no man would want to be with them, thus thrusting them unto the false love and fake romance of being with another women.
In the 70's the gay rights coalition (a violent group of mentally ill super liberals) broke into the center for psychological research in San Fransisco. Though many of the doctors who worked there supported the gay lifestyle and had no grudges against them, the leading books and research on homosexuals was that it was in fact a mental disease. At gunpoint they were forced to change the facts by having homosexuality erased from every psychological book that was to be printed in the future. This helped bridge this 1% of people with abnormal behavior into society's normality thus making it seem natural.
In nature we see that animals do not practice homosexuality for the purpose of procreation or affection. Some will argue that animals in some cases do participate is these acts, but my opinion on this is that because it is such a small number of animals and that most of those acts are due to the keeping of dominance within the animal society, just like in the ancient cultures of the Greeks etc.
As was stated earlier, I feel that it was God who destroyed all the culture's who embraced homosexuality. America and the rest of the world need to wake up to this by preventing gay exposure to future generations by wiping it out of the forefront of the media, and school curriculum's. Keeping marriage a holy union between man and women as it has been for centuries is also a key step.
What a gay person wants to do in their own personal life is their business, but just like a straight couple can't push their sexual relations on the public by having consummation in the open, homosexuals should too keep their agenda and sinful lusts behind closed doors.
The real problem is that fornication, debauchery, and promiscuity have taken over the world through media and promotions and placed morals, decency, and righteousness in the background to be lost forever. It is our duty as upright citizens of the world to change this for the better and for good. There are enough problems in this world today that make the gap between men and God growing, this does not need to be one of them. Choice making needs to be cleaned up so that the right ones are made more offten then the wrong. As much as Gay's will tell you that it's not their choice to be gay, it is. Everyone is born with the option to choose normalcy or the unnatural. I feel that unnatural and ill choices are made due to the pasts that people carry along with not knowing how to handle them in the end causing harmful affects.
I do not promote violence towards homosexuals or people of any kind. I am not trying to change the minds of gays to become straight, what I wish to do is get those of the silent MAJORITY and those who are borderline on their opinion on this matter to take action and stand up to protect or children, our country, and above all our world. I wish not for the mighty hand of God to come down in rebuke against us all as a people who have some much potential. It's time to save the world, and this is a good first step: change the mind of society and bring back the natural, after all it is the best and original plan for us all.
First let me start with my opinion of Gay's and specifically why I feel that there is such a thing as homosexuality in the world at all. I will also address my thoughts and gay marriage in America as well as in the rest in the world.
WARNING: My opinions are based on my Christian background as well as my conservative (some would say neo-conservatism or even fundamental or extreme radical conservatism/republicanism) view points. If you don't like them, too bad, stop reading now!
When we look through history we see that many society's practiced homosexuality. Each of these ancient society's has been destroyed, I believe by God, and the evidence for this is that these once mighty superpowers are all but rubble and ruin now. Some of these cultures used homosexuality as either part of religious practices and without getting too preachy I believe that is was also used as an outright act of abomination towards that natural, thus being an outright abomination of God who created order and nature. In some cases we see that acts that consisted of men having sexual relations with other men were due to the fact that women were treated and viewed as subhuman or even evil in some cases. It had more to do with power in those days, where it came down to the man with the most power or nobility being that partner who initiated the penetration of the other man while the lower of the two would thus take the penetration. Some women in these cultures took part in religious practices that involved lesbianism as an act of their worship, in what I feel was an act of gaining some of their own power, primarily for the first time, and to having a feeling of love or kinship with another human, distorted as it may have been.
Today homosexuality has less to do with religion, in fact most religions see it as unnatural and against any kind of system of law they hold as divine truth. Penalty for being caught in acts of homosexuality was and is still in some areas death for the guilty.
This generation stereotypes all gay men as being extremely feminine, talking with a lisps, being very fashionable, concerned with things that are not necessarily male inclined, and being weak and more feeble then straight men. Stereotypes go the same with lesbians. They are seen to be butch or manly, having above average strength then "normal" women, acting in tomboyish manners, and being uglier then straight women. Theses stereotypes from my experience can be seen as true but not for all, and I feel sadness for those trapped in the disease of homosexuality because of not only what the condition of their souls are but also for the abuse and mockery they take everyday. Though it is something become very accepted in the world, which I do not feel is right, it is still not the norm and ridicule follows.
The reasons behind why the attributes above seem to be true are in my opinion because they are hiding something, and that something is deep deep pain. All of those actions are created to make it seem like they are the typical bubble gay person that women ask for advice for concerning makeup and cloths, but the harsh reality is that they are very sick people who need help in finding the truth about themselves.
Homosexuality is like a new fad in today's society that just has to be tried. (Among women this is seen more, or at least this is what is pumped in through the media) Women making out with other women or experimenting with other women in sexual ways is almost like a sexual right of passage for many of today's young girls. This is even true for older women, many of which are straight, because there is an unseen message floating through the sexually fueled entertainment industry that says "you aren't really a women, or you aren't really a sexual superhero until you've been with another women." This is a sad reality that many women are turning to, especially those with pasts that aren't always the best, or in some cases traumatic, and for those with extremely low self-esteems. The world tells these girls that if they aren't supermodel perfect (airbrushed and all) that no man would want to be with them, thus thrusting them unto the false love and fake romance of being with another women.
In the 70's the gay rights coalition (a violent group of mentally ill super liberals) broke into the center for psychological research in San Fransisco. Though many of the doctors who worked there supported the gay lifestyle and had no grudges against them, the leading books and research on homosexuals was that it was in fact a mental disease. At gunpoint they were forced to change the facts by having homosexuality erased from every psychological book that was to be printed in the future. This helped bridge this 1% of people with abnormal behavior into society's normality thus making it seem natural.
In nature we see that animals do not practice homosexuality for the purpose of procreation or affection. Some will argue that animals in some cases do participate is these acts, but my opinion on this is that because it is such a small number of animals and that most of those acts are due to the keeping of dominance within the animal society, just like in the ancient cultures of the Greeks etc.
As was stated earlier, I feel that it was God who destroyed all the culture's who embraced homosexuality. America and the rest of the world need to wake up to this by preventing gay exposure to future generations by wiping it out of the forefront of the media, and school curriculum's. Keeping marriage a holy union between man and women as it has been for centuries is also a key step.
What a gay person wants to do in their own personal life is their business, but just like a straight couple can't push their sexual relations on the public by having consummation in the open, homosexuals should too keep their agenda and sinful lusts behind closed doors.
The real problem is that fornication, debauchery, and promiscuity have taken over the world through media and promotions and placed morals, decency, and righteousness in the background to be lost forever. It is our duty as upright citizens of the world to change this for the better and for good. There are enough problems in this world today that make the gap between men and God growing, this does not need to be one of them. Choice making needs to be cleaned up so that the right ones are made more offten then the wrong. As much as Gay's will tell you that it's not their choice to be gay, it is. Everyone is born with the option to choose normalcy or the unnatural. I feel that unnatural and ill choices are made due to the pasts that people carry along with not knowing how to handle them in the end causing harmful affects.
I do not promote violence towards homosexuals or people of any kind. I am not trying to change the minds of gays to become straight, what I wish to do is get those of the silent MAJORITY and those who are borderline on their opinion on this matter to take action and stand up to protect or children, our country, and above all our world. I wish not for the mighty hand of God to come down in rebuke against us all as a people who have some much potential. It's time to save the world, and this is a good first step: change the mind of society and bring back the natural, after all it is the best and original plan for us all.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
If I make my own world to live in
And all else is left overs yet to be burned
How can you make me feel
Even the slightest of anything at all
So if I choose who gets to live
Why are you still living within my mind
It boils down to no matter the boundaries we make
The walls always come crashing down
Someone somehow always gets through
Unwanted and despised
These aren't the feelings for me
These aren't the feelings for me
But the feelings for those I wish to rid
Who's to tell me that my priority's are wrong
And that it's all in the name of help
You can't help me in the way I need
And you can't solve the disease in me
Only I have the power to cure this need
To fill the hole deep within me
I must hold the gun and murder the unneeded
My purity is based on my decision
You will never choose for me ever again
So don't speak, don't even react
Keeping your mouths shut
This is my life and I will live it how I want
Waste away and turn back to ash
Dust comes to bring you back to your nothingness
I am not afraid to raise my voice and retaliate
I'm a self made man and I set my life how I wish
You are the lowest thought I have yet you try to be first
Well forget that, you can take that idea back
I am my first priority
And today's order of business is this
Getting you out of my way!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Something Interesting, yet random that I found myself thinking of this fine morning.
I was going to pick up my dog from the groomers and something very interesting sprang up in my mind. How people treat their animals is a good indication on how they treat themselves and above all else, other people.
I have a professor who lived in Israel for some time. He has a son who lives there and he adopted an Arab boy who lived there, who is now an adult with his own business and family.
He remarked in class one day that the Israelis there treat their animals as an extension of themselves while the Arabs treat their animals, well like animals.
This was so profound to me because of everything we see on TV. Jews for the most part are clean, well kept, and in many cases wealthy, this is not a stereotype but just an observation on my part. The Arabs of the middle east we see on TV always seem to be very dirty people, poor, causing problems, killing people by the masses, the very opposite of their Jewish brothers in the region.
Side note: Jews and Muslims both see Abraham as their ancient forefather. This is why I call them brothers.
So is it any wonder that one treats their pets as they treat themselves, and the other treats theirs how they treat themselves?
Now lets throw in a constant to make this claim a little more sturdy.
Americans have pets, sometimes many and by many I mean pets by the butt-load. Americans are the most obese people on the face of the planet. Does it comes as any shock that our pets are the fattest pets in the world. Interestingly enough, we don't eat our pets and we have no reason for fattening them up like other nations need to.
Side note 2: Any person who mistreats an animal needs to die. Now I'm no hippie animal rights activist like some, but come on people, just let nature be!
So in conclusion I love pets and I feel that most wholesome people love pets too, so lets respect them, it makes us look better in the long run.
I was going to pick up my dog from the groomers and something very interesting sprang up in my mind. How people treat their animals is a good indication on how they treat themselves and above all else, other people.
I have a professor who lived in Israel for some time. He has a son who lives there and he adopted an Arab boy who lived there, who is now an adult with his own business and family.
He remarked in class one day that the Israelis there treat their animals as an extension of themselves while the Arabs treat their animals, well like animals.
This was so profound to me because of everything we see on TV. Jews for the most part are clean, well kept, and in many cases wealthy, this is not a stereotype but just an observation on my part. The Arabs of the middle east we see on TV always seem to be very dirty people, poor, causing problems, killing people by the masses, the very opposite of their Jewish brothers in the region.
Side note: Jews and Muslims both see Abraham as their ancient forefather. This is why I call them brothers.
So is it any wonder that one treats their pets as they treat themselves, and the other treats theirs how they treat themselves?
Now lets throw in a constant to make this claim a little more sturdy.
Americans have pets, sometimes many and by many I mean pets by the butt-load. Americans are the most obese people on the face of the planet. Does it comes as any shock that our pets are the fattest pets in the world. Interestingly enough, we don't eat our pets and we have no reason for fattening them up like other nations need to.
Side note 2: Any person who mistreats an animal needs to die. Now I'm no hippie animal rights activist like some, but come on people, just let nature be!
So in conclusion I love pets and I feel that most wholesome people love pets too, so lets respect them, it makes us look better in the long run.
Friday, November 9, 2007
I've once heard that if a person in a relationship asks their partner to bring another into the bedroom, it's time to get out of that relationship. For some odd reason I was thinking about this today and I figured I would write about it.
First off, how could anyone handle more then one person at the same time? I mean I'm sure there are some people out there who are pro sex givers but I mean come on, what happened to love, romance, passion, and desire for one another? How did everything get so dirty? I mean think about it people, orgy's, are people's appetites so large that they have to have sex with not just one but a group of people?
Recently I saw on Jerry Springer (Don't ask why I was watching it, my girlfriend doesn't have cable so that is part of it) and there was a nice young lady on there from what I'm guessing was the porn industry. She had been in a movie where she slept with 50 people over the age of 50. To my recollection I believe that was some kind of sex record, BUT GOOD LORD WHO WOULD WANT TO HOLD A RECORD LIKE THAT?
Now I think that people aren't having giant orgy's like that everyday, and if they are, well that's scary and I mourn for them. Anyway what I am getting at is if someone you love comes to you asking to bring on another player in the sex game, it really shows they don't love you anymore. For one their eyes are not all on you anymore because obviously they are bored with just being with you and you alone.
Here is another thing, I hear often that girls bring home their friends to their boyfriends and they make nasty together. When did this become normal? If my girlfriend brought home another girl, I would know that she is not being satisfied by me and that she needs something extra, that is means on leaving immediately.
Sexual appetites seem to be growing larger, and as the rate of marriage falls and the rate of divorce increases you can kind of see why. Cheating on your spouse is no big deal anymore, I mean HELL everyone is doing it. Self control and personal restraint have been thrown out the door and we wonder as a society why there are some many pregnant teenagers and people dying of AIDS. It's simple, no one has decency anymore. What was once behind closed doors is out for all eyes to see. I mean I could go on the Internet right now and look up a desperate housewife and "hook up" with her probably tonight. It's become that easy.
Wake up people. The whole deal about threesomes, foursomes and all some's is that they lead to personal destruction. Our lust has become bigger then our morals in this world and it's tough to watch.
So why I was thinking about all of this is beyond me, but it made a good topic.
First off, how could anyone handle more then one person at the same time? I mean I'm sure there are some people out there who are pro sex givers but I mean come on, what happened to love, romance, passion, and desire for one another? How did everything get so dirty? I mean think about it people, orgy's, are people's appetites so large that they have to have sex with not just one but a group of people?
Recently I saw on Jerry Springer (Don't ask why I was watching it, my girlfriend doesn't have cable so that is part of it) and there was a nice young lady on there from what I'm guessing was the porn industry. She had been in a movie where she slept with 50 people over the age of 50. To my recollection I believe that was some kind of sex record, BUT GOOD LORD WHO WOULD WANT TO HOLD A RECORD LIKE THAT?
Now I think that people aren't having giant orgy's like that everyday, and if they are, well that's scary and I mourn for them. Anyway what I am getting at is if someone you love comes to you asking to bring on another player in the sex game, it really shows they don't love you anymore. For one their eyes are not all on you anymore because obviously they are bored with just being with you and you alone.
Here is another thing, I hear often that girls bring home their friends to their boyfriends and they make nasty together. When did this become normal? If my girlfriend brought home another girl, I would know that she is not being satisfied by me and that she needs something extra, that is means on leaving immediately.
Sexual appetites seem to be growing larger, and as the rate of marriage falls and the rate of divorce increases you can kind of see why. Cheating on your spouse is no big deal anymore, I mean HELL everyone is doing it. Self control and personal restraint have been thrown out the door and we wonder as a society why there are some many pregnant teenagers and people dying of AIDS. It's simple, no one has decency anymore. What was once behind closed doors is out for all eyes to see. I mean I could go on the Internet right now and look up a desperate housewife and "hook up" with her probably tonight. It's become that easy.
Wake up people. The whole deal about threesomes, foursomes and all some's is that they lead to personal destruction. Our lust has become bigger then our morals in this world and it's tough to watch.
So why I was thinking about all of this is beyond me, but it made a good topic.
What is the point of arguing? I mean what good comes out of it?
Yeah we scream and point the blame,
Maybe we even understand the other person point,
But really they are of no use.
My girlfriend and I had a very big argument the other day
So I was trying to seek a way that would end all our arguing
As much as I want to tell her that she's wrong,
Or fill her in on my point of view,
I'm not going to!
I have promised her and myself that I will agree with everything she says
And stay quiet only nodding my head in approval.
So far it's working and I don't feel the least bit shameful because of it.
I think I'm gonna stick with this plan.
Yeah we scream and point the blame,
Maybe we even understand the other person point,
But really they are of no use.
My girlfriend and I had a very big argument the other day
So I was trying to seek a way that would end all our arguing
As much as I want to tell her that she's wrong,
Or fill her in on my point of view,
I'm not going to!
I have promised her and myself that I will agree with everything she says
And stay quiet only nodding my head in approval.
So far it's working and I don't feel the least bit shameful because of it.
I think I'm gonna stick with this plan.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Scene Kids
So I've decided to make a list of the people that you will see at any typical hardcore/metalcore (to be fair because there is hxc dancing at metalcore shows too) shows.
TOUGH GUY- These are the guys who go to shows just to kill shit. They are usually pretty buff, Straight Edge, sometimes vegan and pretty pissed off at the world. They come into the show quiet but when the music starts they rip everything apart. Usually they wear basketball shorts and 59 Fifty Ball caps with some band t-shit and or band hoodie and in some cases a bandanna is worn over the face, though attire may very depending on area of person.
DANCER- This kid just wants to mosh and not start trouble, they're in, out, and on the go. Sometimes they party outside the venue. No real ideology like the straight edge kid because a lot of these kids smoke and just don't give a fuck about anything. Sometimes a stoner, while sober will be a dancer, but he's only looking to score after the show with some other scenester friends of his.
SCREAMO FAN- This is the kid who lives for the scene yet knows nothing about hardcore, he just likes it because he can go to shows and trade dress up techniques with all the sluts there. Sometimes he is confused with an EMO kid and may take some shit for it. They have been known to attempt to dance and may even 2-step a little but their hair that is greased over their face keeps getting in their eyes. In most cases these scenesters will be wearing tight jeans from their sisters closet and a shirt way too small, but it's ok because most times they weigh about 60 pounds at the most.
EMO- The one person that belongs at no hardcore show only because he is either beaten senseless or ends up in a hospital after the show. Makeup and black nail polish is usually worn along with some t-shit of some wrist cutting queer band who cries about how they hate life. They also wear the tight clothes that the screamo fan may wear except a size shorter and with some wrist bands to cover their scars. Losers go home before you get killed, PLEASE!
SCUMBAG- These are the Punks that come to every hardcore show that always without a doubt get the crap kicked out of them. They don't know how to dance, they don't know about the music, they don't bath, they don't know how to dress, and they always get jumped either during or after the show. Scumbags hate emo kids yet their music is very complaining as well, mostly about politics because they think ultra liberal thinking and anarchy will solve the worlds problems, but there are some who just don't give a fuck and want to be different. Please stay home scumbag! Venue owners are tired of cleaning up your blood on their floors!
THE BLACK SHIRTS- These are the few metal heads who come to hardcore shows and throw up their devil horns: \m/ (*_*) \m/ and do hair whips to the music. Most often respected by the hardcore crowd due to their large girth in most cases, they will however be the victim of at least some sort of attack by an over zealous hardcore kid just looking to be an asshole.
JETHRO- This is the one random black guy at every Hardcore show
TIMMY- This is the one random crippled dude at a show who does crazy dance moves... or are they just convulsions?
JR.- This is the one random little kid who got into the show and plays with the big boys. Usually someone picks him up in the pit by the legs and throws him into the air while he swings his arms or they use him as a human battering ram to run into people. This is one tough kid. Always turns out to be a future tough guy or the lead singer in a sick band.
SLUTS- The girls who come to shows who have no reason being there. Most times they fit under the categories of SCREAMO FAN or EMO KID but there are some who are down for the core. Most times they are just trying to get in the pants of some band member. THEY ALWAYS WEAR MAKEUP LIKE A WHORE AND DRESS THE PART. Sometimes they are injured due to the fact that they are frail in stature and the full force of a hit from the pit can send them out bleeding or worse.
ASSHOLES- These are the guys that either hurt people on purpose or run into the people standing on the outside of the pit. They all need a good beating and I've had may fair share of ass-kickings that I've dished out to these dumb fucks. Hardcore is about respect and brotherhood not fighting within the ranks and doing stupid shit. FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!
SOMBRAROCORE- The growing number of Mexican kids (Especially on the west coast) who are joining the ranks of the hardcore lifestyle.
As I recall more people I will add them to this list
Be Blessed
TOUGH GUY- These are the guys who go to shows just to kill shit. They are usually pretty buff, Straight Edge, sometimes vegan and pretty pissed off at the world. They come into the show quiet but when the music starts they rip everything apart. Usually they wear basketball shorts and 59 Fifty Ball caps with some band t-shit and or band hoodie and in some cases a bandanna is worn over the face, though attire may very depending on area of person.
DANCER- This kid just wants to mosh and not start trouble, they're in, out, and on the go. Sometimes they party outside the venue. No real ideology like the straight edge kid because a lot of these kids smoke and just don't give a fuck about anything. Sometimes a stoner, while sober will be a dancer, but he's only looking to score after the show with some other scenester friends of his.
SCREAMO FAN- This is the kid who lives for the scene yet knows nothing about hardcore, he just likes it because he can go to shows and trade dress up techniques with all the sluts there. Sometimes he is confused with an EMO kid and may take some shit for it. They have been known to attempt to dance and may even 2-step a little but their hair that is greased over their face keeps getting in their eyes. In most cases these scenesters will be wearing tight jeans from their sisters closet and a shirt way too small, but it's ok because most times they weigh about 60 pounds at the most.
EMO- The one person that belongs at no hardcore show only because he is either beaten senseless or ends up in a hospital after the show. Makeup and black nail polish is usually worn along with some t-shit of some wrist cutting queer band who cries about how they hate life. They also wear the tight clothes that the screamo fan may wear except a size shorter and with some wrist bands to cover their scars. Losers go home before you get killed, PLEASE!
SCUMBAG- These are the Punks that come to every hardcore show that always without a doubt get the crap kicked out of them. They don't know how to dance, they don't know about the music, they don't bath, they don't know how to dress, and they always get jumped either during or after the show. Scumbags hate emo kids yet their music is very complaining as well, mostly about politics because they think ultra liberal thinking and anarchy will solve the worlds problems, but there are some who just don't give a fuck and want to be different. Please stay home scumbag! Venue owners are tired of cleaning up your blood on their floors!
THE BLACK SHIRTS- These are the few metal heads who come to hardcore shows and throw up their devil horns: \m/ (*_*) \m/ and do hair whips to the music. Most often respected by the hardcore crowd due to their large girth in most cases, they will however be the victim of at least some sort of attack by an over zealous hardcore kid just looking to be an asshole.
JETHRO- This is the one random black guy at every Hardcore show
TIMMY- This is the one random crippled dude at a show who does crazy dance moves... or are they just convulsions?
JR.- This is the one random little kid who got into the show and plays with the big boys. Usually someone picks him up in the pit by the legs and throws him into the air while he swings his arms or they use him as a human battering ram to run into people. This is one tough kid. Always turns out to be a future tough guy or the lead singer in a sick band.
SLUTS- The girls who come to shows who have no reason being there. Most times they fit under the categories of SCREAMO FAN or EMO KID but there are some who are down for the core. Most times they are just trying to get in the pants of some band member. THEY ALWAYS WEAR MAKEUP LIKE A WHORE AND DRESS THE PART. Sometimes they are injured due to the fact that they are frail in stature and the full force of a hit from the pit can send them out bleeding or worse.
ASSHOLES- These are the guys that either hurt people on purpose or run into the people standing on the outside of the pit. They all need a good beating and I've had may fair share of ass-kickings that I've dished out to these dumb fucks. Hardcore is about respect and brotherhood not fighting within the ranks and doing stupid shit. FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!
SOMBRAROCORE- The growing number of Mexican kids (Especially on the west coast) who are joining the ranks of the hardcore lifestyle.
As I recall more people I will add them to this list
Be Blessed
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
A Spew On Profanity
Here's what I think about bad words,
I really don't like them, but sometimes to express yourself or to convey a point they work really well. Cursing for the most part is wrong but like with a lot of things, there is a time and place for them.
This blog will contain profanity from time to time, and if you don't like it, too bad, no one is making you read this. Don't tell me I'm a bad Christian or a bad American or a bad person or anything, this is about expression and sometimes, well...shit happens and you need a bad word or two to get your feelings out the right way.
I really don't like them, but sometimes to express yourself or to convey a point they work really well. Cursing for the most part is wrong but like with a lot of things, there is a time and place for them.
This blog will contain profanity from time to time, and if you don't like it, too bad, no one is making you read this. Don't tell me I'm a bad Christian or a bad American or a bad person or anything, this is about expression and sometimes, well...shit happens and you need a bad word or two to get your feelings out the right way.
I am no racist, in fact anybody that is racist is pretty messed up in my book, but there is a great big BUT here that I can't overlook. When it comes to driving I think the racist's got it right on some level, but I edited it a little due to my own experiences.
Now I'm no pro driver but I like to think of myself as a pretty good driver, in fact I'm a pretty aggressive driver who plays by the rules of the road and acts safe but I do like to get where I need to go, and let's just say that I get there.
The top 5 worst types of drivers on the road today are:
5. AMERICANS- In Europe, especially in Germany where there is no speed limit in places, primarily The Autobahn, there are hardly any accidents, compared to America where with speed limits and ridicules road rules there are countless accidents and wrecks everyday. I think the Euros go at least this right, I mean they make the best cars anyway, why not have the best drivers to go along with it.
4. OLD PEOPLE- OK please people lets just take their licenses away and the roads would be a lot safer, and God only knows how much quicker we could get places without being stuck behind that old person in their giant 1980's era Chrysler or Plymouth.
3. ASIANS- Here's one the racist's got right. Now I don't know what it is that makes them bad drivers, and I'm not going to make any claims about it but they just are. Now some might say, "What about those street racers, aren't they all Asian kids?" Well A lot of them are but not all and any fool that spends stupid amounts of money on tricking out their car to do illegal driving is a risk to everyone on the road and in my opinion need to be beaten and put in a coma before getting their licenses back along with their cars stripped of all the extra crap they spent time and money to put on themselves.
2. WOMEN- There are plenty of good women drivers out there, some even excellent, BUT it's a white and black situation with female drivers. They are either really good drivers or they are so bad they just need to go back to the kitchen and make a pie or something. Now I'm no sexist but women do not think on the basic level that a man does and that's all it takes to drive, it should never be a fiasco, just going from A to B without having to stop for directions or driving like the old lady they will eventually be.
1. ILLEGAL ALIENS- The grand prize goes to those who need to go back to Mexico and I'm not lying about this. I'm dead serious that all illegals need to go back. It's not hard to get into America in fact I want you to be here, but I want you to do it the right way. I'm tired of the hit and runs, the not so accidental accidents, and just the plan old bad driving from these Latins! I don't know what it is but they just CANNOT drive, plan and simple. From personal experience, every accident I have ever been in or witnessed has been due to some Spanish speaking idiot. Everything from fender benders to hit and runs, Driving under the influence from too many Corona's and Tequila's and killing innocent by standers, they all need to go. Do you wanna know how to Lower insurance rights for upright Americans, lower car costs, and lower gas prices? First kick out the illegals and take their cars off the road! It all starts somewhere, and that place is Mexico.
Now I'm no pro driver but I like to think of myself as a pretty good driver, in fact I'm a pretty aggressive driver who plays by the rules of the road and acts safe but I do like to get where I need to go, and let's just say that I get there.
The top 5 worst types of drivers on the road today are:
5. AMERICANS- In Europe, especially in Germany where there is no speed limit in places, primarily The Autobahn, there are hardly any accidents, compared to America where with speed limits and ridicules road rules there are countless accidents and wrecks everyday. I think the Euros go at least this right, I mean they make the best cars anyway, why not have the best drivers to go along with it.
4. OLD PEOPLE- OK please people lets just take their licenses away and the roads would be a lot safer, and God only knows how much quicker we could get places without being stuck behind that old person in their giant 1980's era Chrysler or Plymouth.
3. ASIANS- Here's one the racist's got right. Now I don't know what it is that makes them bad drivers, and I'm not going to make any claims about it but they just are. Now some might say, "What about those street racers, aren't they all Asian kids?" Well A lot of them are but not all and any fool that spends stupid amounts of money on tricking out their car to do illegal driving is a risk to everyone on the road and in my opinion need to be beaten and put in a coma before getting their licenses back along with their cars stripped of all the extra crap they spent time and money to put on themselves.
2. WOMEN- There are plenty of good women drivers out there, some even excellent, BUT it's a white and black situation with female drivers. They are either really good drivers or they are so bad they just need to go back to the kitchen and make a pie or something. Now I'm no sexist but women do not think on the basic level that a man does and that's all it takes to drive, it should never be a fiasco, just going from A to B without having to stop for directions or driving like the old lady they will eventually be.
1. ILLEGAL ALIENS- The grand prize goes to those who need to go back to Mexico and I'm not lying about this. I'm dead serious that all illegals need to go back. It's not hard to get into America in fact I want you to be here, but I want you to do it the right way. I'm tired of the hit and runs, the not so accidental accidents, and just the plan old bad driving from these Latins! I don't know what it is but they just CANNOT drive, plan and simple. From personal experience, every accident I have ever been in or witnessed has been due to some Spanish speaking idiot. Everything from fender benders to hit and runs, Driving under the influence from too many Corona's and Tequila's and killing innocent by standers, they all need to go. Do you wanna know how to Lower insurance rights for upright Americans, lower car costs, and lower gas prices? First kick out the illegals and take their cars off the road! It all starts somewhere, and that place is Mexico.
Bring Me The Horizon-Pray For Plauges
I really enjoy this band and especially this video. The lyrics are really inspiring to me as well! ENJOY
Here are the Lyrics:
She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood but laced in sick.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.
Sold out the love that she had left with a cut of the throat.
Drinks all round on her before she strolls to the moat.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.
Count your fucking...Blessings!
Come on!
Count your blessings,
Because I'm counting every lie.
Count your blessings,
Because I'm counting every lie.
Counting every lie.
Christ, I'm asking you for just one thing
I'm asking you for just one thing
Eradicate, this disease.
Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Oh Lord cleanse this earth
And bring upon our doomsday.
Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Cleanse this earth
And bring doomsday.
She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood but laced in sick.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.
So clap your hands to the sound
Of everyone first born dying now.
Watch the rivers flow with blood
Having death stand were life once stood
So clap your hands to the sound
Of everyone first born dying now.
Watch the rivers turn to blood
Having death stand were life once stood[x2]
Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Cleanse this earth
Bring our doomsday.
Here are the Lyrics:
She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood but laced in sick.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.
Sold out the love that she had left with a cut of the throat.
Drinks all round on her before she strolls to the moat.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.
Count your fucking...Blessings!
Come on!
Count your blessings,
Because I'm counting every lie.
Count your blessings,
Because I'm counting every lie.
Counting every lie.
Christ, I'm asking you for just one thing
I'm asking you for just one thing
Eradicate, this disease.
Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Oh Lord cleanse this earth
And bring upon our doomsday.
Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Cleanse this earth
And bring doomsday.
She starts her new diet, of liquor and dick,
Just like Hollywood but laced in sick.
The sun goes down and so does she.
The sun goes down and so does she.
So clap your hands to the sound
Of everyone first born dying now.
Watch the rivers flow with blood
Having death stand were life once stood
So clap your hands to the sound
Of everyone first born dying now.
Watch the rivers turn to blood
Having death stand were life once stood[x2]
Close your eyes.
Pray for plagues.
Cleanse this earth
Bring our doomsday.
I am now realizing that the double spacing is like random and works sometimes but not all the time and it is very weird and confusing!
Random Story
Ok so this just happened and I thought, "Boy I better write about this one."
So I was sitting on the computer, My girlfriend calls and tells my mom to have me go to the store and buy her some Midol because it's PERIORD time. So off I go to the store, and let me tell you that stuff is exspensive! So I bought the cheap Safeway Brand Menstrual Relief pills.
SIDE NOTE: Has this ever happened to you, you're doing something important but you have to go to the bathroom really bad all of a sudden? Well it happens to me all that time and this time was no exception! I had to take a major dump, and it was coming soon...
Ok so I get the pills and I'm rushing to give them to her.
SIDE NOTE 2: I've asked a lot of women this and no one has ever given me a real answer, maybe someone out there in internet land can. How come in the Tampon/Pad commercials they always use the same blue liqued when it's obivious that period blood is like all other blood and is not blue but red! I've been wondering about this for most of my life and for the LIFE of me can't figure it out!!!
So back to the story. I roll up to my girlfriends place of business and she comes out looking horrible and takes the box of pills and goes back inside. I leave and come home and lets just say I dropped the Browns off at the SuperBowl. If you don't get that you are missing brain cells!
Hope this lightened up your day
Critique 2
For some reason in that last post I was able to double space, it was almost ultra spaced. I don't know what's going on. I'm Lost!!! ANYWAY....
Legalism VS. Grace

Interesting Story
Halloween Night I'm working at the Harvest Carnival at my church and I'm wearing an ALL THAT REMAINS shirt with a skull on it. By no means is this band DEMONIC and their lyrics are always very positive and interesting and sometimes I wonder if there is a Christian influence in there somewhere.
A Very nice spirit filled lady tells me that I shouldn't wear anything with the image of a skull on it because it represents death.
A little confused I thought, "What happened to grace people!"
Now this makes sense to me and here's how,
First of all this lady is from another country, I think Equador but I'm not sure, and who knows what a skull means in their culture
Second she is from an older generation then me and a whole different scene, me being from the hardcore metal scene and the generation of grace, I MEAN THIS IS THE AGE OF GRACE after all.
Now didn't Jesus say that he didn't come to bring peace but a sword that can seperate bone from marrow? BONE, SKULL, any connection?
ALSO didn't Jesus die on GOLGOTHA which means THE PLACE OF THE SKULL?
If anything, a skull is a reminder of Christ, and that's how I always viewed it.
Her feeling on it was that it is an image of death and that the devil sees that.
My feeling is I want the devil to see me because after all, we are all warriors of God wearing the full armor of God, living by faith and the WORD which can extinguish the flamming arrows of the evil one.
ALSO wasn't the devil defeated on the cross and dragged through the streets in shame.
So as far as I'm concerned, Grace rules, Legalism drulls, and when all else fails, look it up in the bible.
Halloween Night I'm working at the Harvest Carnival at my church and I'm wearing an ALL THAT REMAINS shirt with a skull on it. By no means is this band DEMONIC and their lyrics are always very positive and interesting and sometimes I wonder if there is a Christian influence in there somewhere.
A Very nice spirit filled lady tells me that I shouldn't wear anything with the image of a skull on it because it represents death.
A little confused I thought, "What happened to grace people!"
Now this makes sense to me and here's how,
First of all this lady is from another country, I think Equador but I'm not sure, and who knows what a skull means in their culture
Second she is from an older generation then me and a whole different scene, me being from the hardcore metal scene and the generation of grace, I MEAN THIS IS THE AGE OF GRACE after all.
Now didn't Jesus say that he didn't come to bring peace but a sword that can seperate bone from marrow? BONE, SKULL, any connection?
ALSO didn't Jesus die on GOLGOTHA which means THE PLACE OF THE SKULL?
If anything, a skull is a reminder of Christ, and that's how I always viewed it.
Her feeling on it was that it is an image of death and that the devil sees that.
My feeling is I want the devil to see me because after all, we are all warriors of God wearing the full armor of God, living by faith and the WORD which can extinguish the flamming arrows of the evil one.
ALSO wasn't the devil defeated on the cross and dragged through the streets in shame.
So as far as I'm concerned, Grace rules, Legalism drulls, and when all else fails, look it up in the bible.
I can't double space on this program and I just realized that. Sorry if everything looks messy, but I can't help it.
Split Personality
Romans 7:15-20:
“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is the sin living in me that does it.”
I Feel like this a lot of the time
It seems like I have split personality disorder
In all reality I think I do but it's not mental it's more like in my flesh
There is a part of me that wants to scream and punch walls and jump off buildings just to hit the ground, while there is another part of me that wants to sit still and just relax and wash away into the heavens
I once had a youth pastor explain this Enigma to me in a simple story
"Inside every person are two dogs, they fight over everything, the dog that is the strongest wins. Now if you are always feeding the Spiritual dog he gets bigger and wins the fight, but when you feed the flesh/sin nature dog he gets bigger and wins the fight."
Sometimes I wonder which of the dogs is the right one.
My heart tells me that the Spiritual dog should win no doubt, but that other side of my personality tells me it's the dog of flesh because he is the animal of passion and drive and that rage that gets me through sometimes.
Another question also rises when I dwell on this. Which side is it that makes me want to scream and punch walls and jump off of buildings and on the other hand just want to sit and relax and float away into the heavens? I mean it could be either one. The Spiritual/God side does give energy, but also peace, while the flesh side gives the rage behind the emotions but it can also give lackadaisical attitudes.
I once had a philosophy professor tell me that for a Christian who relays of faith that I have very good reason. Well as far as this topic goes, I can't make any reason out of it, but I really wish I could.
Enough rambling for now.
Blessings to all.
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