Sunday, December 9, 2007


It's Sunday Morning, I'm sick but fully medicated, time for a thought!

So as I was in the shower I was thinking, are we obligated to do anything, I mean really when you think about it, is there anything out there that we MUST do, or that we HAVE to do?

SIDE NOTE: Most of my best ideas come to me while I'm on the toilet or in the shower, most of this blog has happened due to bathroom ideas.

Back to the story. Everything in the world is really based on choice and nothing else, and when you break it down to the core we can see that even things that we think we have no control over, we really do.

Breathing, we don't think about breathing, and some would say that we are obligated to breath to live, this is true, but the reality is that we can hold our breath whenever we please. It's easy, go ahead and take a second to hold your breath...see you can do it, and we were not obligated in those few moments to breath.

What about things we are born with, like if we are a righty or a lefty, sure we cannot control this, but we are not obligated to stick with the hand that nature sought fit to have us use the most. I've heard of a man in India who could write with both hands AND feet at the same time in four different languages. Now he is not obligated just to use one hand because that was natures choice for him, he decided to learn to do an amazing talent.

People, we are not even obligated to love, even our own children! Now some would say it's hard to not love your own children, but some don't and that is all by choice. We really don't have to listen to anything we don't want and do anything we don't want thus showing that we are not obligated to do anything!!!

Even eating, drinking water, or living for that fact. We could stop doing any of these things at anytime, and all because we want to, it's that simple.

Actually it's not that simple and it takes more mind control and discipline then anything else. But it can be done, that is the amazing thing. To break free of obligations we only have to choose to.

Here is something probably the most controversial, we can choose our sexual orientation because we are not obligated to one, it's choice because in the end we are obligated to do nothing at all. If a person felt that they had gay tendencies he or she could choose to not follow through with them, even go after the opposite sex in order to avoid what in their first mental choice was obligating them to do. And the same can be said for the other way around.

See the world and everything we do is based off of choice and not obligation. Even in disaster, we could choose to not do anything or we could choose to do something to help, we are not obligated as much as anyone may say we are or aren't.

This is freedom, even in societies without freedom, people can choose to not do as they are told, they may die, but that is their choice, they are obligated to nothing.

Obligation is based and formed off of want and choice, nothing more and nothing less. Obligation in itself would not even exist if people didn't do anything. In a world where people had no drive to live whatsoever there would be no obligation at all

In my opinion, obligation sucks, but only if you want it to suck, and it rocks, but only if you want it to rock, so choose wisely.


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