Tuesday, November 20, 2007


For some time now I have been wondering why it is that most, not all, homosexuals act the same way. This goes for men and women, and it is very interesting that many of the stereotypes we associate in society with the gay lifestyle hold true in many cases. In this blog I will try my best to address the reasons to why Gay's act in a certain stereotypical way along with the stereotypes that go with it as well as the topic of bi-curiousness that is associated primarily with women in today's generation.

First let me start with my opinion of Gay's and specifically why I feel that there is such a thing as homosexuality in the world at all. I will also address my thoughts and gay marriage in America as well as in the rest in the world.

WARNING: My opinions are based on my Christian background as well as my conservative (some would say neo-conservatism or even fundamental or extreme radical conservatism/republicanism) view points. If you don't like them, too bad, stop reading now!

When we look through history we see that many society's practiced homosexuality. Each of these ancient society's has been destroyed, I believe by God, and the evidence for this is that these once mighty superpowers are all but rubble and ruin now. Some of these cultures used homosexuality as either part of religious practices and without getting too preachy I believe that is was also used as an outright act of abomination towards that natural, thus being an outright abomination of God who created order and nature. In some cases we see that acts that consisted of men having sexual relations with other men were due to the fact that women were treated and viewed as subhuman or even evil in some cases. It had more to do with power in those days, where it came down to the man with the most power or nobility being that partner who initiated the penetration of the other man while the lower of the two would thus take the penetration. Some women in these cultures took part in religious practices that involved lesbianism as an act of their worship, in what I feel was an act of gaining some of their own power, primarily for the first time, and to having a feeling of love or kinship with another human, distorted as it may have been.

Today homosexuality has less to do with religion, in fact most religions see it as unnatural and against any kind of system of law they hold as divine truth. Penalty for being caught in acts of homosexuality was and is still in some areas death for the guilty.

This generation stereotypes all gay men as being extremely feminine, talking with a lisps, being very fashionable, concerned with things that are not necessarily male inclined, and being weak and more feeble then straight men. Stereotypes go the same with lesbians. They are seen to be butch or manly, having above average strength then "normal" women, acting in tomboyish manners, and being uglier then straight women. Theses stereotypes from my experience can be seen as true but not for all, and I feel sadness for those trapped in the disease of homosexuality because of not only what the condition of their souls are but also for the abuse and mockery they take everyday. Though it is something become very accepted in the world, which I do not feel is right, it is still not the norm and ridicule follows.

The reasons behind why the attributes above seem to be true are in my opinion because they are hiding something, and that something is deep deep pain. All of those actions are created to make it seem like they are the typical bubble gay person that women ask for advice for concerning makeup and cloths, but the harsh reality is that they are very sick people who need help in finding the truth about themselves.

Homosexuality is like a new fad in today's society that just has to be tried. (Among women this is seen more, or at least this is what is pumped in through the media) Women making out with other women or experimenting with other women in sexual ways is almost like a sexual right of passage for many of today's young girls. This is even true for older women, many of which are straight, because there is an unseen message floating through the sexually fueled entertainment industry that says "you aren't really a women, or you aren't really a sexual superhero until you've been with another women." This is a sad reality that many women are turning to, especially those with pasts that aren't always the best, or in some cases traumatic, and for those with extremely low self-esteems. The world tells these girls that if they aren't supermodel perfect (airbrushed and all) that no man would want to be with them, thus thrusting them unto the false love and fake romance of being with another women.

In the 70's the gay rights coalition (a violent group of mentally ill super liberals) broke into the center for psychological research in San Fransisco. Though many of the doctors who worked there supported the gay lifestyle and had no grudges against them, the leading books and research on homosexuals was that it was in fact a mental disease. At gunpoint they were forced to change the facts by having homosexuality erased from every psychological book that was to be printed in the future. This helped bridge this 1% of people with abnormal behavior into society's normality thus making it seem natural.

In nature we see that animals do not practice homosexuality for the purpose of procreation or affection. Some will argue that animals in some cases do participate is these acts, but my opinion on this is that because it is such a small number of animals and that most of those acts are due to the keeping of dominance within the animal society, just like in the ancient cultures of the Greeks etc.

As was stated earlier, I feel that it was God who destroyed all the culture's who embraced homosexuality. America and the rest of the world need to wake up to this by preventing gay exposure to future generations by wiping it out of the forefront of the media, and school curriculum's. Keeping marriage a holy union between man and women as it has been for centuries is also a key step.

What a gay person wants to do in their own personal life is their business, but just like a straight couple can't push their sexual relations on the public by having consummation in the open, homosexuals should too keep their agenda and sinful lusts behind closed doors.

The real problem is that fornication, debauchery, and promiscuity have taken over the world through media and promotions and placed morals, decency, and righteousness in the background to be lost forever. It is our duty as upright citizens of the world to change this for the better and for good. There are enough problems in this world today that make the gap between men and God growing, this does not need to be one of them. Choice making needs to be cleaned up so that the right ones are made more offten then the wrong. As much as Gay's will tell you that it's not their choice to be gay, it is. Everyone is born with the option to choose normalcy or the unnatural. I feel that unnatural and ill choices are made due to the pasts that people carry along with not knowing how to handle them in the end causing harmful affects.

I do not promote violence towards homosexuals or people of any kind. I am not trying to change the minds of gays to become straight, what I wish to do is get those of the silent MAJORITY and those who are borderline on their opinion on this matter to take action and stand up to protect or children, our country, and above all our world. I wish not for the mighty hand of God to come down in rebuke against us all as a people who have some much potential. It's time to save the world, and this is a good first step: change the mind of society and bring back the natural, after all it is the best and original plan for us all.


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